Welcome to the

Perioperative Assessment Clinic (PACs)

Web Page

Mission Statement

The Perioperative Assessment clinic is an outpatient service dedicated to preparing you for your upcoming day surgery, anaesthesia, admission and discharge. I am committed to making your Pre-Admission Assessment visit as positive an experience as possible and tailored specifically for you.

Department Profile

Department Description
All patients, > 12 years, are pre-assessed for their suitability for day surgery undergoing general anaesthesia / regional anaesthesia.


Services Provided
The Perioperative Assessment clinic is for all patients >12 years undergoing general anaesthetic / regional anaesthesia for day surgery.

Located on the first floor via the main hospital entrance. The most convenient way to get to the Unit is to go to the lifts or stairs in the main hospital and follow the directions to the day surgery reception area.

Jackie Cronin, Clinical Nurse Specialist, ext - (021) 4926461, bleep #840

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday 0800 - 1700

Friday 0800 to 1300.



  • Smoking Cessation advice given - smoking referral to Resource Officer provided
  • Diet and Exercise advice given
Page last updated: 11/04/2022
37371 hits

South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork