Comments, suggestions & complaints


We value your opinion

Nothing is more important than quality when it comes to health care services. The SIVUH want to give you the best possible care and treatment. We want you to tell us if you have a comment, compliment or complaint about your healthcare. In order to do so the following options are available to you.

Your can make your comment/complaint

  • In person to any member of staff or the complaints co-ordinator or by ringing 021-4926100 and asking to speak to the complaints co-ordinator
  • By email to
  • By letter

A written complaint should include

  • Who was involved
  • What happened and where
  • Outline your concerns
  • What would you like to see as the outcome of this complaint

We welcome compliments when you are pleased with our service but please tell us if you are dissatisfied in any way. This helps us to improve our service to you. If you are unhappy with our service, please make this known immediately to the relevant hospital staff, so they can help you with the issue.

If the matter is not dealt with to your satisfaction or should you wish to make a formal complaint, you may address this to the Patient Complaints Co-ordinator at this hospital who will arrange to have your complaint investigated through the appropriate channels. The Patient Complaints Co-ordinator may also be contacted by telephoning the hospital reception at telephone number 021- 4926100.

Patient feedback is important to us as we continuously try to improve the quality of service we offer to patients and their families. You can help us by completing a Patient Satisfaction Comment Card and putting the completed card in the box provided (the boxes are located throughout the hospital). Confidentiality is maintained at all times.


For more information please visit the Patient Complaints and Comments page.

Page last updated: 27/07/2017
39848 hits

South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork