Health & Safety


The SIVUH is committed to the health and safety of all associated with the hospital.  The Hospital has a health and safety statement. All staff, patients, visitors and members of the public must follow the policies outlined in this statement. Any reasonable instruction given by staff in the interest of health and safety must be followed by all. Violence and aggression towards staff will not be tolerated. Any person in breach of any health and safety policies may be asked to leave the hospital.


Patients and visitors have a responsibility:


  • To treat all staff, other patients and families with courtesy and respect;
  • To understand there are pressures of time and resources on the Hospital and those working within it;
  • To tell staff if you do not understand or are uncertain about any part of the diagnosis or treatment and ask for more information or clearer explanation;
  • To make sure you and all accompanying visitors adhere to all the hospital and ward rules.


In the event of a Fire or other serious incident

  • The fire alarm will sound. Please do not panic. Staff are trained to manage the situation.
  • Staff will help all patients to leave the building  if necessary.
  • Do not re-enter the building for any reason unless you are told to do so.
  • Do not use the lifts.
  • Escape routes out of the building are displayed on the wall in your area.
  • Signs are also in place to assist you leaving the building.
Page last updated: 21/04/2016
33277 hits

South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork