Health Passport for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

We recommend the HSE Health Passport for all service users with intellectual disabilities.

The HSE Health Passport is now available as an app.

Search HSE Health Passport ID in the App Store on your phone.

You can download the app for free.

Please complete your Health Passport before you visit hospital.

Please watch the video below to understand how your Health Passport can improve your hospital experience.

Health passports tell staff all about you and how to look after you really well.  


If you have not received a hospital passport in outpatients and you do not have the app please print one from this page.

The passports look best if they are printed in colour.


Fill in this passport and bring it with you to hospital.

At the back of the passport there is a story. This will tell you all about what happens when you are in hospital.


Page last updated: 04/11/2021
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South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork