While in Hospital


During your hospital stay, you will be admitted under the care of, and given the name of, a senior doctor called a Consultant. The Consultant and/or medical team will carry out regular ward rounds and you will be able to ask questions. In addition, you and your family may arrange to speak with a member of your Medical team by appointment. Please speak with nursing staff for further details.

During your stay it may also be necessary to refer you to other departments in this or another hospital, for tests, treatments etc.

Please tell us if your hospitalisation causes undue hardship for your family at home, so we can help you. 


For Your Stay

  • If you wish to have a chaperone present during examination, please inform the examining doctor or nurse.
  • Wear non-slip shoes or slippers when out of bed.
  • All jewellery including body piercing (navel rings etc) must be removed before surgery.
  • Inform the nursing staff if you want to leave your ward.
  • Report immediately any faulty equipment, spillage or other potentially dangerous situation.
  • Permission to leave the hospital during your stay must be granted by a doctor.

Valuables and Money

The hospital does not accept responsibility for any items that you keep with you during your hospital stay. Please send valuables, jewellery, medication and clothing home where possible. Where this is not possible, valuables should be handed over to the nursing staff for safe keeping.

Page last updated: 19/07/2012
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South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork