Welcome to the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit

Web Page

Mission Statement

We in S.A.T.U. are committed to providing the highest quality service to all our clients in a sensitive, appropriate and non-judgemental way. Our focus is on the safety, physical and psychological needs of our clients and their right to privacy and confidentiality. Their informed decision will be respected at every stage of the process and their sense of personal control will be supported and encouraged.


Department Profile

Department Description

The unit provides a comprehensive and co-ordinated forensic and medical aftercare service to both males and females of 14 years and upwards, who have experienced rape or sexual assault.

It is a free and confidential service and can be accessed via the Gardai, General Practitioner, Rape Crisis Centre Emergency Department or self-referral.

There is no time restriction for clients attending the unit and they can attend with or without Garda involvement.

Services Provided

  • A dedicated unit where clients who have experienced Rape or Sexual Assault can be examined and treated in a holistic way.
  • Forensic medical examination.
  • Emotional and practical support consistent with the wishes of the individual.
  • Liaison with the Sexual Violence Centre according to the client's wishes.
  • Emergency contraception and pregnancy testing service.
  • Prophylaxis and screening for sexually transmitted infections.
  • Assist and support clients by appropriate provision of information, liaison, referrals and advocacy
  • Answering queries from rape victims and their relatives and directing them to the appropriate services i.e.  Gardai,  Sexual Violence Centre,  Social Work Dept.  and Oss Cork (domestic violence)

S.A.T.U. is located in the Victoria wing, adjacent to the G.U.M. / S.T.D. clinic and can be accessed from the main link corridor..

Monday – Friday, 0800-1630 hrs. contact SATU (021) 4926297 or Bleep 789

Out of hours or week-ends contact Nursing Admin. 021 4926100

Email: satu@sivuh.ie

Opening Hours

Open 365 days 24/7

0800hrs - 1700hrs, Monday - Friday on site

Thereafter on call

Page last updated: 02/09/2020
59305 hits

South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork