Welcome to the Finance & Resource Department Web Page


Mission Statement

  • To ensure payment of salaries, wages, pensions and retirement benefits to our staff and retired staff.
  • To ensure prompt payment for goods and services to our suppliers and contractors.
  • To provide ease of billing facilities for our patients and customers for Hospital services.
  • To provide Financial and Management accounts and reports, HIPE/Casemix speciality costing reports, assisting the operation and development of the Hospital, and its services.
  • To provide Medical Library Facilities supporting ongoing educational and research needs of staff.

Department Profile


Department Description

The Department manages the payment of goods and services, salaries and pensions, hospital income, associated financial and management accounts/- reports, HIPE/casemix/speciality costing system and the medical library.

Services Provided

The Finance & Resource Department co-ordinates functions in the following departments:

  • The Payroll & Superannuation Section is responsible for the processing of monthly, fortnightly payrolls and the administration of the Hospital’s Superannuation Schemes.
  • The Creditors/General Ledger Office is responsible for the payment of all goods and services, including expenses, revenue and capital payments. It also maintains the nominal ledger and hospital financial accounts.
  • The Admission and Patient Accounts Departmentis responsible for the admission of inpatient and daycase patients.  It is also responsible for the billing and collection of hospital accounts in respect of in-patients and daycase patients in accordance with health legislation. The department liaises with patients, insurance companies, hospital staff etc. in checking eligibility.
  • The Speciality Costing Returns/HIPE Casemix Co-ordinator's Office. This office completes the annual Speciality Costing Returns to the Department of Health & Children, maintains the HIPE Casemix system and provides reports on hospital inpatient and daycase activity.
  • The Hospital Library Department.


The department offices are located both downstairs and upstairs in the Administration Building, which is directly facing the front main entrance, at the other end of the Hospital Car Park.


Department Head: Mr Liam Thompson. Chief Finance Officer.
Hospital Accountant: Mr. Aidan Horgan
The Payroll & Superannuation Section: Mr. Derek Mulvihill
The Creditors/General Ledger Office: Ms. Carol Barry and Ms Anne Cronin (job-sharing)
The Cashiers Office: Ms Loretta Murphy
The Debtors / Patient Billing Office: Ms. Colette Dooley
The Speciality Costing Returns / HIPE Casemix Co-ordinator's Office: Ms. Thérèse Crowley
The Hospital Library Department: Julianne O’Callaghan

Opening Hours

The Finance & Resource Department: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Mon - Fri
The Payroll & Superannuation Section: 8.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. (open during lunch hour) Mon - Fri
The Creditors/General Ledger Office: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Mon - Fri
The Cashiers Office: 8.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Mon - Fri
The Admission/Patient Accounts Department: 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. Mon - Fri (There is an online facility available for patients outside of these hours)
The Speciality Costing Returns/HIPE Casemix Co-ordinator's Office: 8.15 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Mon - Thursday and 8.15 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Friday.
The Hospital Library Department: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Mon. – Fri. (lunch 12.30 to 13.15)


Financial Statements


Laya Healthcare
Irish Life Health
Garda Medical Aid  
SIVUH Hospital Charges for Private and Semi-private (Laya Healthcare, VHI, Hibernian Aviva Health, Garda Medical Aid, ESB MPF and Prison Officers Medical Aid Society)

Page last updated: 01/10/2020
72503 hits

South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork