Head & Neck Cancer

Irish Head and Neck Society inaugural conference in May 2022

Prof. Conor Barry (Maxillofacial Reconstruction), Ms. Jemima Dorairaj (Plastics Reconstruction), Mr Andrew Dias and Prof. Patrick Sheahan (Consultant Otorhinolaryngologists) at the Irish Head and Neck Society inaugural conference in May 2022.


The SIVUH is one of the three major centres for Head & Neck Cancer in Ireland, treating in excess of 100 patients annually. The commonest sites for Head & Neck Cancer are the larynx (voice-box); oral cavity (mouth); and oropharynx (tonsil and back of tongue). The main causes of Head & Neck Cancer are smoking; alcohol; and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

Symptoms of Head & Neck Cancer include the following:  Hoarseness; difficulty swallowing; throat pain; the presence of a lump or ulcer in the mouth; or the presence of a neck lump. Any patient with any of the above symptoms lasting for more than 2 weeks should see an ENT surgeon urgently. Any patient referred to the SIVUH with any of these symptoms will be given an appointment to see a consultant within 1-2 weeks.

Patients referred to the SIVUH with any of the above symptoms will undergo a thorough examination, including palpation of the neck; examination of the oral cavity (mouth); and fibre-optic laryngoscopy. The latter is a procedure performed under local anaesthetic wherein a very narrow flexible camera is introduced through the nose. Once the back of the nose has been reached, full visualization of the entire larynx (voice-box) and pharynx (back of throat) is possible. This procedure lasts less than 30 seconds and is very well tolerated by nearly all patients. Patients with a neck lump will generally also undergo FNA. This is procedure which involves passing a very fine needle into the lump in order to draw off some cells which are sent to the laboratory for study.

Patients with a diagnosis of Head & Neck Cancer are treated by the Multidisciplinary Cancer Team (MDT) based at the SIVUH and CUH. This includes ENT Surgeons; Radiation Oncologists; Medical Oncologists; Plastic Surgeons; Pathologists; Radiologists; Speech and Language Therapists; Nutritionists; and Specialist Nurses. The SIVUH has a full-time Head & Neck Cancer Nurse Specialist who coordinates the treatment of the patient and provides a direct link for the patient and his/her family / GP to the members of the MDT.

Watch this video series the SIVUH team made with IHNS (The Irish Head & Neck Society) and MSD about the care team for patients with H&N cancer:

Meet the Team: Videos from your cancer care team


Information Leaflets:

Page last updated: 12/10/2023
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