Health Research, Clinical Trials and Clinical Audit


As a teaching hospital, staff in the hospital and students from health related disciplines regularly undertake health research, clinical trials and audit in SIVUH.

During your attendance in the hospital, you may be asked to take part in health research, clinical trials or audits.  If you do not wish to be involved you can say no and this will not affect your treatment in any way.

Any health research or clinical trials undertaken by the hospital have first to be approved by the Cork Teaching Hospitals Ethics Committee (or equivalent Ethics Committee) and then the Board of Directors of the hospital. All health research, clinical trials and clinical audit is reviewed to ensure it meets the obligations of the Data Protection Act (Health Research Regulations) 2018.

All audits carried out in the hospital are performed to ensure continuous assessment and improvement in patient care and the quality of service we provide. If you have any queries on these matters, you may ask any staff member or contact the Data Protection Officer by email .

The SIVUH Policy on Health Research, Clinical Trials and Audit is available here

The pathway for Health Research and Clinical Trials is outlined here please forward any documentation for processing to

The pathway for Audits is available here please notify the Quality & Risk Management Department of any/all Audit by emailing

All students conducting audits as part of their undergraduate degree or equivalent are required to complete the Audit Application Form and return to  - Download Application Form


Page last updated: 17/09/2020
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South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork