May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

There is a free Walk-in clinic service being run on Saturday 09thMay 2015 in the General Outpatients Department SIVUH from 09.00 to 12.00 for over 18s.

Skin cancer awareness

Too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays is the main cause of skin cancer. As well as covering up, seeking shade and using sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or higher, you should know the daily UV index (the strength of the sun's rays). This will help you to know when you need to protect your skin from the sun.  The higher the index number, the higher the risk of skin and eye damage. When the UV index is 3 or more, sun safety measures are needed. The information leaflet on staying safe in the sun is available here.

You should never use a sunbed. Using a sunbed causes melanoma skin cancer- which is the most dangerous type of skin cancer.



More than 500 people attended a free skin cancer screening clinic in the Dermatology Out Patients Department of South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital on Saturday 9h of May 2015. The event was organized by Dr Michelle Murphy Consultant Dermatologist, SIVUH, as part of Euromelanoma and she was assisted by Consultants Dr Johnny Bourke, Dr Cate Gleeson, Dr Michael O’Connell (South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital, Cork) and Dr Gillian Gibson (Bon Secours Hospital, Cork), Dermatology registrars Dr Veronika Dvorakova and Dr Siobhan McCarthy and the nursing team of Ester Hazelwood, Carmel O’Sullivan, Audrey Hourihan, Elaine Riordan and Louise O Sullivan.  Euro-Melanoma is a pan-European prevention campaign against skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. It is also the easiest to cure, if diagnosed and treated early. When allowed to progress, however, skin cancer can result in disfigurement and even death.  The screening day serves to highlight awareness of skin cancer amongst the general public and to encourage self checks for new or changing skin lesions.


Queue for Skin Cancer Screening Clinic on May 9th 2015 



Page last updated: 09/06/2016
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South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork