Welcome to the Speech and Language Therapy Department


Mission Statement

The Speech and Language Therapy department aim to work within a multi-disciplinary framework to enhance patient’s communication and swallowing abilities in order to optimise quality of life for the patient and carers, always mindful of the dignity and individuality of each patient.


Department Profile

Services provided

The Speech and Language Therapy Department provides both an inpatient and outpatient service to patients of the South Infirmary-Victoria University Hospital. The service involves the assessment and management of patients with communication and swallowing disorders (Dysphagia).  As the SIVUH is a regional ENT / Head and neck oncology centre there are posts directly linked to this service. Videofluoroscopy and Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing disorders is available. Videostroboscopy is used for the assessment of voice disorders.

The department is also a centre for the education of Speech and Language Therapists-in-training.


Access to the service

Patients who have been treated on-site by a consultant may be directly referred to the service.



The Speech and Language Therapy Department is located in the Victoria Wing of the hospital and is accessed through the South Infirmary – Victoria University Hospital main entrance.


Opening Hours

The Department is open from 8am to 5 pm.


Contact information

Teresa Hanevy

Therapy Manager

Speech & Language

South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital

Old Blackrock Road,


Tel: +353 (0)21 4926337


Email: Hanevy.Teresa@sivuh.ie


Page last updated: 24/08/2017
41572 hits

South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork