Welcome to the Medical Library


Mission Statement


SIVUH Library is committed to supporting the hospital’s role as a teaching hospital focused on patient-centred care. We provide access to collections in a variety of formats, and information resources designed to meet the research and education needs of SIVUH staff and students on clinical placement, and to facilitate decision-making in patient care.

Department Profile

Department Description

The library is staffed by a Senior Library Assistant. Its collection includes medical, nursing and allied health textbooks; print and online journals; electronic databases as well as an audio-visual collection. It has an inter-library loan service, internet access and individual work stations & study area.

Services Provided

N.B. Services provided to SIVUH staff only and students on clinical placements.

Borrowing of books, access to printed and online healthcare journals and databases, inter-library loan, internet access, printing, photocopying.


The library is located at the end of the Visitor Car Park on the right, beside the Administration Building.


Senior Library Assistant: Julianne O’Callaghan

Tel: (021) 4926185 / (021) 4926348



Opening Hours

Monday – Thursday: 08.30 – 16.30

Friday: 08.30 – 16.00



Information leaflets for hospital staff available on request in the SIVUH Library.

Page last updated: 25/02/2021
34021 hits

South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork