Welcome to the Health & Safety Department

Web Page

Mission Statement

"The South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital is committed to managing and conducting it’s work activities in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of employees, patients and others who may be affected by the Hospital’s activities".


Department Profile

Department Description

The Health and Safety Department is part of the Risk Management Department.

The Health and Safety Department aims to ensure the Hospital protects the safety, health and welfare of all persons in the Hospital as far as is reasonably practicable, through the provision and maintenance of a safe place of work, safe plant machinery and equipment, safe systems of work, the prevention of risk to health in connection with the use of any article or substance, the provision and maintenance of suitable personal protective clothing and equipment, welfare facilities and information, instruction and training.

The Health and Safety Department actively seeks to ensure that the Hospital complies with all safety legislation and all other statutory requirements.


Services Provided

  • Maintain the Hospital Safety Statement
  • The SIVUH Safety Statement and the HSE Corporate Safety Statement are available upon request from the Health and Safety Department
  • Advise on all aspects of safety, health and welfare
  • Conduct safety, health and welfare risk assessments
  • Coordinate safety, health and welfare education programmes
  • Monitoring effectiveness of safety, health and welfare program
  • Attempt to raise safety, health and welfare standards above legal requirements
  • Analyse all reported incidents
  • Investigate accidents
  • Advise on Personal Protective Equipment
  • Support risk assessments as required and develop control programs for hazardous situations / activities
  • Study safety programs of other organisations to enhance SIVUH program and determine best practice




Page last updated: 23/11/2023
32649 hits

South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork