Welcome to the SIVUH

Department of Nutrition & Dietetics Webpage



Contact No:


Email: dietitians@sivuh.ie

(mailto: dietitians@sivuh.ie)

Opening Hours: 8am-4pm



Mission Statement

The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics aims to improve the nutritional status of patients and staff at the South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital, Cork.


Our Department:

The Department of Nutrition & Dietetics at SIVUH is staffed by a team of Dietitians who are registered members of CORU and meet the standards of the profession’s regulatory body.

The Team:

  • Rosemarie Kelly, Dietitian Manager
  • Fionnuala Muldoon, Clinical Specialist Dietitian 
  • Emma Clifford, Senior Dietitian
  • Orla McMahon, Senior Dietitian
  • Deirdre O’Neill, Senior Dietitian
  • Grainne McCarthy, Dietitian


Dietetics consult: What does a Consult entail?

Your first appointment may take up to an hour, and your follow-up (if needed) may take up to 30 minutes.  An appointment includes the following:

  • Nutritional Assessment: Your weight and height would usually be measured.
  • Dietary Assessment: A detailed diet history is taken (i.e. an account of your usual eating pattern)
  • Dietary Advice: Individualised dietary recommendations are discussed with you and targets for change are agreed between you and your Dietitian.
  • Written Information: A diet sheet and/or goals for change are given to you, with all the information you need to help you achieve your targets.
  • What about follow-up: Your Dietitian will continue to see you until such time as the dietetic treatment is deemed to be completed.


Referral Procedure:

In patient and outpatient services are provided to a variety of specialties within the hospital by consultant referral.

Direct external referrals are not accepted. 



The main office is located in the Victoria side of the hospital. Out patient clinics are held in the following areas- The Diabetes Centre, ENT OPD and Joint Clinic appointments with the Speech and Language Therapy Department.

Please refer to your outpatient letter/ appointment card for further information.



Page last updated: 27/04/2023
46286 hits

South Infirmary

Victoria University Hospital

A teaching hospital

of University College Cork